Another Successful Sober Grad!

Another successful Sober Grad event! Amador County Sober Grad would like to send out a very sincere and enthusiastic thank you to all who donated cash, prizes, and food to make this night possible! Without your generosity out students wouldn't have such a terrific time, year after year.
We would also like to send out a huge thank you to the Pine Grove Camp and all the strong men that came and helped set up for the event, and everyone who came out and volunteered, during the day and night, to help make sure this event was a great one.
And of course we have to thank our vendors that brought the entertainment, Gold County Lanes for allowing us to have our event at their location, and of course all the local stores for all the prizes and extras we had to purchase. These are also essential for our event to be a success.
And we can't forget to thank our wonderful Amador County Sober Grad committee members. Without them working tirelessly for months to make sure everything is ready for Sober Grad Night, this event would never happen.