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Jessica Hawkins


Coordinates meetings, make sure all committee areas have someone in charge. Make contact with event venue ahead of time.  Coordinate calendar and meeting schedule. Promote Grad Night at schools.  Communicate volunteer needs with Volunteer Coordinator.  Makes sure all loose ends are tied up and that everything on the countdown checklist is taken care of.  Oversee everything to make sure that event goes smoothly.  Maintain the Grad Night website and blog. Update Website as needed. Keep updated posts on social media (ie. Facebook). Design flyers to be sent out to publicize Sober Grad Night. Design and update mailers for the new year. 



Take minutes at the meetings and pass around a sign in sheet.  Send out sponsorship/donations letters to members of the community.  Coordinate with school district office/mail room to mail out the letters.  Also sends out thank you letters after the event to those who helped sponsor and/or donated to the event. Coordinate with the Treasurer to see all cash donations made are recorded. 


Jillian Brandt


Take care of all banking and have all finances available including bank statements.  File non-profit taxes for each year.  Pick up mail from PO box, sort mail and give to appropriate people.  Have budget and budget vs. actual ready for each meeting.  



Take Care of coordinating all volunteers.  Make sure all areas are covered with enough volunteers for the entire days set up and the whole night of the event and also for clean up the day after.  Contact all volunteers and assign designated areas to the time frames they will be helping.  Check in all volunteers the night of the event and give clear instructions of the duties they are being asked to preform at the event.    



Coordinate all volunteers for the front gate for the night of sober grad.  Make sure there are 3 colors of wrist bands for students entering the event. One for Seniors, one for over 18 and one for the general population.  Make sure student registration and on-site school student registrations are taken care of.  Make sure that everyone working the front gate has a working list of students who have paid and those who are graduating seniors. Make sure there is cash at the front gate for change for those who are paying at the gate.  Keep an accurate count of students by school and grade that attended the event.  Turn in all money and student attendance to the treasurer.


David Hawkins


Coordinate with the Inmate work crew to help set up.  Get everything out of the shed for use and brought to the grounds where Sober Grad will be held.  Make sure signage is in place.  Coordinate generator lights.  Set up fencing around grounds, coordinate with law enforcement Security. Keep the area secure.  Direct traffic as needed towards the entrance. Make sure vendors come and go smoothly the night of the event. Work with volunteers and clean up committee day after the event to make sure the grounds where the event was held is clean.  Get everything back to the shed and put away neatly.   



Coordinates all entertainment (Reserve Inflatables, rides, D.J, and any other entertainment as budget allows), Confirm all entertainment one month, and again one week, prior to the event. Oversee games and secure prizes for those games. Design layout of the event and make a map for committee members. Monitor and assist in the management of games and other entertainment the night of the event to make sure everything runs smoothly.  Make sure the Volunteer Coordinator knows how many volunteers are needed for each game area. Keep track of all receipts and invoices and give copies of contracts to the treasurer.  Notify Secretary of any thank you's needed.  

Rebecca Kay.jpg

Rebecca Kay


See budget for prizes.  Secure Prizes to be given away during the night of event through donations and budget allocation. Manage prize booth on night of event (all night).  Keep track of all donations and notify secretary with a list of thank you's that need to be sent out.  Make sure all receipts are given to treasurer.   


Amanda Magar


Coordinate theme. Help with getting everything out of the shed and brought to the event location. Decorate the event site the day of the event. Stay in the budget. Responsible for ensuring all decorations are cleaned up and the event location is restored & ready for business the next day. Turn in all receipts to the treasurer. Make an inventory of decorations already in the shed and make sure new decorations are put away in shed neatly for future use. 


Sherry Parkey


Secure donations for food when possible & contract with food vendors when necessary. Receive and serve food on the day of the event. Must be there the night of the event (all night). Responsible for the clean up of the kitchen after the event ends.  Pick up donations when necessary and deliver to event location day of the event.  Make sure the Secretary has information for Thank You's.  Coordinate set-up and cleanup of the outside food area.  Provide food/drinks for volunteers during setup and clean up. Make sure leftover food is taken to appropriate places and/or disposed of properly. Work with volunteers to serve food and keep food trays full.



Coordinate "cashier" for prizes and chips. Make sure chips are pre-made in sets of $200 for students.  Set up tables and make sure each table has what is needed for the game beforehand.  Make sure all volunteers working the casino have vests and are wearing white shirts and black pants.  "Price" and hand out prizes.  Secure prizes and make sure there are enough prizes for all of the students to be given out for the night while staying on budget. 



Coordinate "bingo callers". Set up the bingo area. Make sure every player has a card and dobber while playing the game.  Verify winning cards. Make sure there are enough volunteers to cover area for the entire night.  Secure prizes make sure there are enough prizes to give to winning players for the entire evening of the event. Stay on budget when securing prizes.  Make sure the secretary has Thank you's for prizes that were donated.    

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