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Committee Members Needed

Way back in 1985, Amador High School teacher Loren Lukens decided that the graduating seniors of Amador High needed something to do on the night of graduation as an alternative to the parties where some kids were getting into drinking alcohol. The idea of Amador Sober Grad was born.

Sober Grad is a Tobacco-free, drug-free, and alcohol-free event that is held for all Amador County high school students on grad night so that our students have a safe and sober environment to spend graduation night. Amador County Sober Grad has been going on for over 35 years and without continued community support, this awesome event for all our Amador County High School students is in danger.

Since the 1990s, the committee has relied on community member involvement to help plan and run Sober Grad. This year we need (9) new committee members. The positions open are: Treasurer, Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, Food Coordinator, Security, Front Gate, Senior Prizes, Casino and Bingo. These committee members will be responsible for helping plan and coordinate a team of volunteers on graduation nigh as well as attend monthly meetings.

This event is very worthwhile and it needs to be supported so Sober Grad will continue. It won’t happen without the help of volunteers.

Please join us for our next meeting on Saturday, March 26, 2022 at 5:00 PM at Paisano’s Pizza in Jackson, CA and help keep this wonderful event going for years to come.

For more information feel free to contact Jessica Hawkins (President) at 209-418-4426 or


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